Left side view of OTs-23 Drotik machine pistol.
Source: Unknown author -
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The OTs-23 Drotik is a machine pistol of Russian origin. It was developed in the 1990's for internal security use. The Drotik was produced in limited numbers. Design elements were incorporated in its successor, the OTs-33 Pernach.
The Drotik was developed as a more controllable alternative to the Stechkin APS, a Soviet era machine pistol. This is achieved by using a smaller cartridge and three round burst fire instead of automatic. The Drotik is a blowback operated pistol, with ability for semi-automatic and burst fire. Unlike most machine pistols, the Drotik wasn't developed to use a detachable stock.
The Drotik is chambered for the 5.45x18mm MPT cartridge. The small caliber allows for a large magazine capacity of 24 rounds. The Drotik is a select-fire machine pistol, able to fire semi-automatic or three round burst. Cyclic rate of fire is 1.800 rpm. Although controllable, its firepower was deemed unsatisfactory.
The OTs-23 Drotik was acquired in limited numbers by Russian internal security services. As with many of specialized Russian firearms, it is likely that the Drotik was exported in small numbers as well.
The OTs-23 Drotik was developed as more controllable alternative to the Stechkin APS. The Drotik was to provide controllable burst fire without using a shoulder stock.
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