USAS-12 automatic shotgun with 10 round box magazine.
Source: Oleg Volk -
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The USAS-12 is an automatic shotgun of South Korean origin. The basic design stems from the 1980's automatic shotgun designs by Maxwell Atchisson. Although semi-automatic shotguns are common in military and law enforcement use automatic shotguns are a niche market. Within that niche market the USAS-12 is one of the most common and successful models.
The USAS-12 is based on the design of the original AA-12 shotgun but has been extensively modified and looks more similar to the new generation Auto Assault-12 shotgun. The USAS-12 is a large and bulky weapon. The thick plastic forearm houses the gas piston and the large plastic stock houses the bolt and spring. The USAS-12 is magazine fed and the carrying handle also serves as the rear sight base.
The USAS-12 fires standard 12ga 2.75-inch shotgun shells. The USAS-12 uses 10 round curved box magazines or 20 round drum magazines. It may fire either semi-automatic or fully automatic at a rate of fire of 360 rpm. Due to its weight the recoil is limited but automatic fire cannot be considered accurate. The effective range is quoted as 40 meters, but depends on the ammunition type used.
The USAS-12 has been mainly sold to civilians and private security companies. Military use of the USAS-12 is limited although it has been sold to various armies and special units in Asia.
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